Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"I'm a ballerina pricess!"

We were honored when Pete & Erica asked Maudie to stand up in their wedding as one of the flower girls. Naturally we said "Yes" but in the back of our minds we worried that she would protest walking down the aisle or somehow ruin the wedding.... that's just what 2 year olds with attitudes do. The rehearsal only confirmed that suspicion. She gave everyone a little chuckle when she threw her hands up in the air and proclaimed "I'm a ballerina princess" when asked what her role was by the wedding coordinator. However, she stomped down the aisle in a fit of rage when asked to preform her duties.

I spent the next two days before the wedding planning a strategy and praying to heaven for divine intervention to help her down the aisle. After that I wouldn't care how she behaved. She could knock off a liquor store on the way to the reception and as long as she didn't ruin the wedding, I'd be proud.
Show time was approaching and I left her in the hand of Lucy's (another of the flower girls) aunt who apparently has a magic touch with the little girls. Chris and I took our seat in the front of the church. The processional started and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating. After the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their entrance there was a clearing and I see all three of the little girls making their way down the aisle. They were like three angels floating on clouds.

Somehow they fell out of formation and ended up in a single-file line, Maudie leading the pack. Lucy held up the rear, delayed from peering into each pew as she passed. They were absolutely adorable (from what I could see thru my tears). When Maudie reached the front of the church, she saw me and sweetly proclaimed "That's my mommy!" and continued walking. I was so dizzy with relief I missed Erica's grand entrance. When she crawled up on my lap she proclaimed "Fun, Mom. Do it again!" And I was worried...

She had the time of her life at that dance... she's a true party animal. The only time she left the dance floor was to grab chocolate off the candy table or get a drink of water. She believed Erica was her personal dance partner, mimicking everything she did and pushing off other that wished to dance with the bride.
I should mention that Erica was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen in my life. She was radiant and spectacular and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I had flashes of her as a child playing dress up in my closet. In the blink of an eye we're watching John give her away. Makes me wonder how fast it will feel until I watch Chris walk with Maudie.
Congratulations Erica and Pete!

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