Monday, July 6, 2009

Maudie "Phelps"

This video is going to give my mother a heart attack, but I'd like to show off my talented little swimmer. Now, before you think that she is the next Micheal Phelps, I have to admit she is wearing a swim suit that has floaties built in. But still...she's 2! and she's swimming all by herself- a skill she developed in about 15 minutes and perfected in a day. We spend the majority of the last two days in the pool coming in only for lunch and a nap. She spent the time in the pool lapping like a golden retriever. I decided to give this suit a try after she got so upset with Jenna holding on to her in the pool. She kept yelling "my turn!" meaning she wanted a chance to swim alone. I warned you she was born with gills.
Charlie is doing great. He's such a sweet little boy, despite the fact he's going thru a growth spurt and wakes up every 2 hours to feed at night. All that feeding has sure attributed to the 3 pound weight gain in a little over a month. For those that are doing that math... that makes him over 11lbs now (11lbs, 4oz to be exact).
My niece, Erica, is getting married this weekend. I can't believe that the curly-headed bruinette that used to follow me around and drag out my dance costumes has grown so fast and soon will be starting her own family. Maudie reminds me a lot of the way Erica was as a little girl....shy with new encounters, feisty and vibrant once she was comfortable with you. I remember when she was 2 going on 16, just like Maudie is now. I only hope that Maudie grows up to be as kind, loving, talented and beautiful as Erica is now. She's sure to be a vision in white.

Here are some photos of our 4th of July in Horicon....

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of the kids, Chris and Granpa Paul! I think that it's just great that he has got to meet all of his great grandchilren and I hope that Maudie and Charlie, can have memories of him like not only us (the 4 grandkids) but like Kyler and Keytra. They both love him and are thankful they get to know grandpa Paul!!
    This just brought tears to my eyes!
