I'm beginning to think I need to sleep with a life preserver on at night. My drooling could put a St. Bernard to shame and my snoring could challenge that of a short-snouted pug. I wake up ever couple of hours with a puddle forming on my pillow (note to self, wash pillowcase). I'm not sure what is causing this... the lack of restful sleep, the swollen jowls, or the fact that I can only sleep in one position. If the drowning doesn't kill me, I may float away on the pool of sweat that accumulates around me. It doesn't help that it was in the 80's yesterday and I was not allowed to turn the air conditioner on yet (Chris thinks it's ridiculous to go from heat to AC, I think it's ridiculous to live like a cave man). The sweating phenomenon doesn't just happen at night. The other day while working in the lab, I had to get up from my bench and stand in the walk-in freezer (-20 degrees C) just to cool down. I didn't leave the freezer until images of the tongue/pole scene from "Christmas Story" flashed in my mind as I pressed my back against the frosty stainless-steel walls. Try to explain that one to your boss.
I had my last mandatory OB appointment before delivery today. Everything is fine, although I find it less then humorous that none of the medical professionals take an interest in my grocery list of complaints. If I have to hear, "that's just another joy of pregnancy" again, I'm going to take someone hostage. All kidding aside, we're both doing good. My blood pressure is spot on and his heart rate is perfect. At 37 weeks, I suspect he has already surpassed his sisters' birth weight. She was a tiny 5.5lbs when she arrived at 36.5 weeks. My fundal measurement today was 39cm... almost 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Not that it matters... I'm not going to be pushing him out. I'd much rather have a healthy, plump baby than another tiny peanut.
Speaking of the peanut, she's been going thru some phases that I would've rather avoided. First of all, she thinks that 1:30 AM is party time. Sorry kiddo... nothing good happens after midnight (at least not until college). Last night after 4 hours and 3 trips upstairs to her big-girl bed, I finally let her watch 'baby tv' (educational programs for toddlers) just so I could get a little sleep. I did manage to sleep until she tugged on my hair to ask me what that noise wa
s... honey, those are the birds chirping because the SUN IS RISING!!
She has been pretty funny with the dogs lately. She pays them more attention now, smothers them with hugs and kisses, and attempts to play 'fetch' with them. I use the term 'fetch' loosely. It's more a game of 'steal the toy and run away' but he dogs seem to love it. And Maudie loves when they chase her. On the rare occasion that she does toss them the toy, she usually races them to fetch it up. Olive is pretty fast and can usually outpace her and blocks her out with a swift pivot action. This is where her second phase comes in.... whining. She whines for everything lately and it's driving me nuts! I guess most toddlers go thru this, but man! it can wear on my nerves. Just wait until she's 17, right?