Monday, June 7, 2010

And we doubted him!

I don't have time for a super long blog entry, but I wanted to show off the fabulous 'park bench sandbox' that Chris made for this kids.  I anticipate hours and hours of sand castle fun ( and lots and lots of baths and laundry).  Oh well... they love it.
Nice work Chris!  Next on the honey do list... basement storage for my fabric.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My life has changed...

I look back to a year ago today and remember...

I remember feeling my unborn son's slow and strong movements as he ran out of room in my womb.
I remember the anticipation of seeing my sons face for the first time.
I remember the anxiety of becoming a mother of two.
I remember the excitement of Maudie becoming a big sister.
I remember the flurish of having everything ready for his arrival.
I remember the prayers that we would all be healthy.

One thing I don't remember, however, is what life was like before I loved him.

Tonight I can be sad that by son is no longer a baby, tomorrow I will celebrate that he is a little boy.  Happy First Birthday, My Sweet Precious Son.

 Day 1

 Day 364