Jeepers, it's been a while since I've updated this blog. Goes to show how busy we've all been the past month (or two).
Maudie turned 3 at the beginning of March & she decided she wanted another pool party for her birthday celebration (I have a feeling this is going to be a trend). It was fine by us, because there's not a whole lot of options in the winter. Plus I didn't have to cook or clean, I left it to the professionals at the Holiday Inn. They have a (tiny) little water park that was perfect for a hoard of 2 & 3 year olds and a couple of older cousins too. She swam until her fingers where raisins & her lips were blue, stopping only to open the mountain of presents that her aunts, uncles & grandparents piled upon her. Maudie & stayed the night in the hotel while Chris took Charlie home to sleep in his own crib (and tend to the dogs). In the morning she swam for another hour before breakfast until she proclaim, "Mom, I'm just so tired." Words not often spoken by a 3-year old.
Both kids had well-child checkups. Charlie is a 21lbs & falls around the 50% in height & weight. Maudie is now 34lbs & is in the top 75% in both height & weight. I think darling daughter takes after Daddy (at least in the height department). Chris is worried Charlie is wont break the 5'9'' mark, but Im sure he'll catch up.
With the passing of her third birthday and the mastering the art of controlled elimination, Maudie started ballet lessons last week. She is in a little class of 7, 3-5 year olds. It's called Fairytale Ballet & it melts my heart. They start each session with stretching in a circle then they read a classic fairytale. After the story, they dress up like the main character & do little dances to themed music. Last week was The Little Mermaid.
All us moms OOH'ed and AHH'ed at the window while or precious angels pranced around the studio. It was adorable. That is until I hear a blood-curdling scream & a thud against the window. I didn't have to look down to know it was MY child. I shooed her back in the room & she tore off her costume and ran out the door, never to rejoin the class. Does He think this is some kind of funny joke? Do I have some weird karma payback from child-hood? First swimming lessons, now ballet. I talked with the doctor and she assures me that I need to keep trying, it will pass. And not to be embarrassed by her behavior, every parent goes through it. Well then, why is my child the only one that is running from the building like it's burning behind her?
Charlie is now crawling & getting into trouble. His favorite two hang-outs are the bathroom & the closet. That is when he's not splashing in the water dish or sharing a snack of kibble with the dogs. It took him about 6 seconds to go from crawling to crawling up the steps. And now that he's also standing (sometimes on his own) it's only a matter of time before he's walking.