Monday, June 7, 2010

And we doubted him!

I don't have time for a super long blog entry, but I wanted to show off the fabulous 'park bench sandbox' that Chris made for this kids.  I anticipate hours and hours of sand castle fun ( and lots and lots of baths and laundry).  Oh well... they love it.
Nice work Chris!  Next on the honey do list... basement storage for my fabric.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My life has changed...

I look back to a year ago today and remember...

I remember feeling my unborn son's slow and strong movements as he ran out of room in my womb.
I remember the anticipation of seeing my sons face for the first time.
I remember the anxiety of becoming a mother of two.
I remember the excitement of Maudie becoming a big sister.
I remember the flurish of having everything ready for his arrival.
I remember the prayers that we would all be healthy.

One thing I don't remember, however, is what life was like before I loved him.

Tonight I can be sad that by son is no longer a baby, tomorrow I will celebrate that he is a little boy.  Happy First Birthday, My Sweet Precious Son.

 Day 1

 Day 364

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Only at Walmart

I just solved Charlie's summer wardrobe problem...

Apparently the slogan for these diapers is
"the coolest you'll ever look pooping your pants"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day at the Zoo

In case you've been wondering what we're up to lately... just trying to avoid getting eaten by the tigers and bears!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Christmas has come early!

I love iced coffee.  I love it so much it's on my short list of favorite joys in life.  If I were Maria Von Trap, I'd list it right before brown paper packages tied up with string.  Sometimes I make coffee just so it will get cold.  Last summer as I was standing in line at the Starbucks I saw the newest reusable cup for iced coffee.  It looked just like their disposable cups, which I use three or four times before dumping.  Feeling frugal, I passed up the last one in the crate.  A few days later I returned with remorse, but to my dismay it was gone.  I didn't give it much thought at the time, but found myself dreaming of this cup several times over the winter.  I actually googled it one day and found several for sale on Amazon & Ebay for $70!  They called the cup the 'tickle me elmo' of 2009'.  Anyway, today on my way out of Target I glanced into the Starbucks & like a beacon from heaven, THERE THE WERE!!  The geniuses at Starbucks re-issued the cups, which had am impact on the on-line sellers, because now they are selling for only $30! Life is good!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More like Grandpa Holden than we thought...

Since the moment he was born everyone thought Charlie looked like his Grandpa Holden. Turns out there are a few more resemblences that we had initially thought. If you know Grandpa, you know that this is his favorite napping position... hopefully Charlie doesn't develop the wall-shaking snore.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stupid, but Loyal.

Today Chris & I took the kids and dogs for a little walk and stopped at the park. Chris tied the dogs' leashes together and hooked it around the leg of a park bench. He took Maudie on the jungle gym & I walked up the little hill to put Charlie in the baby swings. Not 5 minutes later Chris looked over at the dogs. Chesty had chewed thru her leash to set herself free. Since they were tied to each other, that would've set Olive free too. But since Olive didn't run, Chesty was gnawing at Olive's leash to get her free. Those two are friends to the end. Heartwarming & gut-busting at the same time.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rapunzel, Let Your Hair Down!

The fairytail of the week at Maudie's ballet lesson was Rapunzel. They wore the most darling little costumes complete with a cone-shaped hat with long pigtails. Here are some of my favorite moments.