Very sadly my summer is coming to an end along with my maternity leave. I haven't had this feeling since grade school when the inevitable change to fall meant early mornings to catch the bus and homework filled evenings. As least then I had a new wardrobe to look forward to. Back to work I will go, badly dressed and missing my babies
Charlie is still a wonderful baby, however he still isn't sleeping
thru the night even in the furthest stretch of the imagination. Last night he went 5 hours, the longest he's ever slept (at night). All that nursing is adding up to a very plump, healthy boy. At his two month exam (Aug 3) he was a whopping 13.3 lbs which put him in 83%, his height as around 60% (approximate due to the fact it's really inaccurate to measure babies) and 75% for his head size. He has surpassed little Madelyn next door who was born a month before him.
We celebrated his baptism last weekend with an incredibly long ceremony at St. John's in
Waunakee. After the hour long mass and 45 minute baptism we were all ready for a beer and some of Chris's BBQ. In all seriousness, the baptism was lovely (with the exception of Maudie running wind sprints around the church while the Deacon lectured on discipline). Charlie wore Chris's Christening Suit that he wore almost exactly 32 years prior and was wrapped in a blue blanket given to him by a member of the parish. We chose Michael as Godfather and Godmother duties are split between Sara and my sister-in-law Kim. Godparents comprise of Catholic, Lutheran, and Jewish representatives....we'll get him into heaven somehow.
Chris built Maudie a swing set last week and she is loving it! Some nights she plays until it's dark outside, the other nights it was raining. He did an excellent job building it and anyone who know Chris could not believe it wasn't a kit. The only improvement my Dad made was adding a beer rest.
Lisa gave Maudie a Barbie toy of a bride and groom, complete with crown and veil. She made "Erica and Pete" walk down the aisle and kiss at least 100 times. She also had a good time putting the veil on Charlie and Grandpa.